We are excited to introduce our powerful new online payroll feature, Payroll Preview. This advanced preview breaks down in detail each and every payroll cost – earnings, deductions, payroll tax liabilities, direct deposit, and employer contributions – before even submitting payroll.
The report provides an in-depth and comprehensive summary of payroll data to be processed for the current payroll, identifying where every penny of your total cash required goes. Within the Run Payroll Wizard in FingerCheck360 payroll software, there is a standard preview window with an overview of each employee’s total hours, gross pay, deductions, taxes, direct deposit, and the net pay that can also be downloaded in an Excel Spreadsheet.
Our newly advanced preview report can be found within the same step by clicking on the PDF icon located on the top right. The PDF report referred to as a register report, breaks down totals for each employee, including:
- Earnings are broken down by hours/rate/amount/gross pay
- Payroll taxes withheld including federal income tax, Social Security, Medicare, state, and local income taxes
- Direct deposit details
- Deductions are broken down separately
- Employer contributions and taxes
You now have quick access to a full and complete payroll breakdown that lists your payroll costs before even submitting payroll! Take a look at the feature in detail by going to our corresponding help desk article.
*Note: If you have enabled Auto-Run Payroll, you can include this report in the preview email that is sent prior to you prior to processing payroll, allowing you to deeply review your payroll before it runs automatically.
To include this report in the Auto-Run preview email, just go to your Auto-Run Payroll settings and toggle this function on. This new feature will allow you to preview and identify your upcoming payroll costs so that you always remain on top of payroll.
With our online Payroll Preview tool, you have full access to one powerful report that lists all the data you need to see to approve payroll. If you’re interested in FingerCheck360 payroll software, try it for a 30-day free trial or contact us for a quote.