The “Employee” tab within FingerCheck’s employee time clock software is the main tab managers go to oversee all their employee information.
The tab itself is organized by columns, some of which are displayed by default, and others that are contained within the Column Customization list. Now, we have added a new data column to the list! Administrators and supervisors can easily drag and drop our new “Supervisor” column to readily view at all times each employee’s supervisor.
Previously, the only “Supervisor” column that existed was, “Is Supervisor” which could be added to view which employees were supervisors themselves. Now, any managerial user will be able to check the supervisor of any employee in the company.
This handy new column adds extra value to our column customization list, and just as columns can be dragged into the main window, they can also be dragged out.
This is a great workaround to simplifying your employee tab display or getting rid of unnecessary clutter. FingerCheck is always adding to our existing software and making improvements.
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