
New Payroll Feature: Auto Gross Up Paychecks

By Katherine Muniz
July 5, 2017

Do you ever want to pay your employees a take-home pay of a certain amount? You may have a rate you want them to earn, but find that their net pay is significantly lower after taxes and deductions.

If you can relate, you’ll enjoy our newest payroll feature, which automatically grosses up your employee’s paycheck so that their take-home pay is the rate entered in their employee profile.

Just check “Auto Gross-Up” under Position and Rates within the Employee profile, and after you do this, whenever you run payroll, the net pay will always be the rate entered.

For instance, if you’ve entered Employee X’s base rate as $1,000, once you check “Auto Gross Up,” their paycheck will be grossed up to result in take-home pay of $1,000. Without grossing up, taxes would be deducted, resulting in significantly lower take-home pay.

After checking the box, going forward to your employees’ pay will automatically be grossed up. If you’d like to do a one-time gross up to a specific amount, you can use our check calculator to do so.

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