Using Fingercheck, running payroll usually takes just a few minutes, but if that few minute is still a hassle for you, we have a solution for you: automatic payroll!
Auto-Run Payroll will make your online payroll completely effortless from start to finish. That’s right — Fingercheck payroll software clients can now have their payroll processed automatically for them without even logging in.
Here’s how it works
On the day your payroll is due, we’ll send you an email letting you know that we are processing your online payroll today, and list the total cash required. You’ll have a full day to make any payroll changes you want, and also make sure you have the necessary funds available in your account.
Fingercheck auto-runs payroll not only for salaried employees but also for hourly employees. Instead of relying on fixed information like salaried hours or default hours, we auto-calculate your employee time cards and process your company’s entire batch of online payroll data based on the actual hours they worked each pay period.
Auto-Run Payroll
However your employees get paid, you can benefit from Auto-Run Payroll. If your employees use direct deposit or pay cards, we will automatically deposit the funds in their account/cards. Even if you pay your employees with checks, you can also auto-run payroll and simply print your checks out on payday! How cool is that?
The accuracy of your payroll is our priority – if Fingercheck notices any errors, validations, or discrepancies be rest assured that the system won’t proceed with processing your online payroll. We will notify you immediately by email of the errors so you can log in and make your corrections. Once the errors are corrected, we will process it within the same day.
If you enable Auto-Run and have hourly employees, we suggest you review your time card data and check for errors ahead of time by either setting up a daily time card report or by logging in daily to verify the hours. This way, when it’s time to run payroll, you’ll already have approved all the hours.
To enable auto-run payroll, all you need to do is log online and go to the “Payroll Tab,” where you can enable Auto-Pay. You can choose to enable Auto-Run payroll for only the current pay period, for all future payrolls, or both. Like this, you can schedule or unscheduled any payroll to run automatically, giving you total control in enabling or disabling this feature for each individual payroll.
As always, Fingercheck will also automatically file federal and state tax filings for your payroll, and your online payroll runs to become completely hands-free — what could be better?
Sign up to auto-run your payroll today and focus on the matters that truly concern you — taking care of your business. Payroll is truly simplified with Fingercheck Online Payroll Software.