In our effort to help you work smarter, not harder, we are excited to announce a redesign of our void check feature for our Fingercheck Small Business Starter, 360 and 360 Plus customers. This feature remains in our modern Payroll application.
The redesigned void check process uses a wizard. The wizard makes it easier to navigate and search for the check that users want to void. The redesign still allows users to schedule voiding the check with future payrolls, but now users also have the option to void the check immediately.
Advantages of the redesigned void check queue include:
- More user-friendly, redesigned modern UI.
- An easier search for checks.
- Ability to process the void immediately
- Ability to select a future payroll to process (users can select their next scheduled payroll or any future payroll in the current quarter).
These updates simplify the process of voiding checks, reduce user confusion and errors, and save time for users. Voided checks are removed from your payroll records.
Why might you need to void a check?
There are many reasons why small business owners might need to use the void check feature. Perhaps, a direct deposit was returned, and you need to issue repayment. Or maybe, you need to issue a new check to include an electronic child support payment. And sometimes, the original check was missing a bonus or overtime earnings.
Additional reasons to void checks:
- The original check contained errors.
- A payroll or individual check was canceled (perhaps, an employee left the company and should not have been paid).
- A check amount was edited, and the employer needs to void the original and create a new check to match the corrected amount.
How do I void a check?
Once you are logged into Fingercheck as an Administrator, you can click the Payroll tab. Next, click Void Checks. From there, the wizard guides you through each of the four steps in voiding a check. The four steps in the process are Search, Select, Void and Confirm.
Search: The wizard starts by asking you to decide how to search for the check to void — by employee or by date in the current quarter’s payroll dates. Either option takes you to a different search field.
Select: The two available selections are employee name and payroll dates.
If you select “employee name” in the Search step, you will be taken to a list of employees. From there, you will see a drop-down menu with check dates.
Selecting “check date” in the Search step will show a list of payroll dates.
Void: This is the step where you can select a box for voiding payroll checks. When finished, you should select the Next button.
If you select “employee name” in the Search option, then you will see a list of names with a drop-down menu from which to select. Once a name has been selected, a Void menu appears. This is where you can select multiple payroll dates to void. When finished, you click the green Save button, then the Next button.
If you select “payroll dates” in the Search option, then you will see a list of payroll dates with a drop-down menu. Once a date is selected, you will see a menu with each employee in that payroll cycle. This is where you can select which checks to void. When finished, you click the green Save button, then the Next button.
Confirm: The final screen is the same for both scenarios. It allows you to void checks immediately or void in the next payroll. When finished, click the green Confirm button.
Please refer to this article in our Fingercheck Knowledge Base for detailed instructions.
How quickly are checks voided?
The redesigned void check process allows users to process voids immediately or select a future payroll date within the current quarter to process the void. Voids can be completed for the current fiscal quarter. If you need to void a check from a previous quarter, please contact customer support and note that fees may apply.
Do you need help with payroll or taxes?
Running your business is hard work. We’re here to take off some of that pressure by helping you with payroll. If you’re not a Fingercheck Small Business Starter, 360 or 360 Plus client, let’s get you started today. We’ll handle your payroll and you can focus on growth.