If you’re a New York City employer, big changes are coming your way. A package of eleven bills, titled the Stop Sexual Harassment in NYC Act, will soon require employers to provide mandatory anti-harassment training to their employees, display anti-sexual harassment posters in the workplace, and distribute information on sexual harassment to new hires.
The legislation signed into law by Mayor de Blasio on May 9, details several requirements employers should be aware of:
- 120 days after being signed into law, employers are required to display an anti-sexual harassment rights and responsibilities poster in the workplace and distribute an information sheet on sexual harassment to new hires (both to be designed by the City Commission)
- By April 1, 2019, employers with 15 or more employees (including interns) must conduct annual anti-sexual harassment training for all employees – the City Commission will develop training modules for employers’ use
- Employers must obtain signed acknowledgment from each trained employee (electronic format is accepted)
- 60 days after being signed into law, city contractors are required to include their anti-sexual harassment policies in their applications for city business
Effective immediately, any employee can file a claim of gender-based harassment. Additionally, the law increases the statute of limitations for filing harassment to three years from one year.